
四级真题及答案下载,四级真题及答案下载 网盘

nihdff 昨天 9
四级真题及答案下载,四级真题及答案下载 网盘摘要: 大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于四级真题及答案下载的问题,于是小编就整理了5个相关介绍四级真题及答案下载的解答,让我们一起看看吧。英语四级真题及答案?英语四级题...


  1. 英语四级真题及答案?
  2. 英语四级题及答案?
  3. 英语四级2020真题答案?
  4. 2019年英语四级真题答案?
  5. 2016年四级真题及答案6月?


1.The woman found herself in a wrong place.

2.The woman is the manager's business associate.

四级真题及答案下载,四级真题及答案下载 网盘

3.The woman was putting up a sign on the wall.

4.The woman is the manager's secretary.

5.They need more time for the report.

四级真题及答案下载,四级真题及答案下载 网盘

6.They need help to interpret the data.


1.The woman found herself in a wrong place.

2.The woman is the manager's business associate.

四级真题及答案下载,四级真题及答案下载 网盘

3.The woman was putting up a sign on the wall.

4.The woman is the manager's secretary.

5.They need more time for the report.

6.They need help to interpret the data.


1.They did not become popular until the emergence of improved batteries.

2.The failing prices of elike batteries.

3.It will profit from ebike sharing.

4.Retailers' refusal to deal in elikes.

5.The younger generation 's pursuit of comfortable riding.


1.A maker space is where people make things according to their interests.

2.The teachers' role is enhanced in a maker space as they h***e to monitor and facilitate during the process.

3***ing up with an area of one's own or improving one from others.


1.Rising unemployment worldwide.

2.Few countries h***e realized the seriousness of the current crisis.

3.Put calorie information on the menu.

4.They will be fined.

5.Faliure to integrate innovation into their business.

6.It is the creation of something new.



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